Federal Student Aid is providing high schools with current data about their FAFSA® submissions and completions so that high schools can track their progress and help to ensure that their students complete the application.
Learn about and view FAFSA® completion data by high school.
Interested in student-specific data for your school? You'll need to establish an agreement with your state's higher education agency that receives the data from Federal Student Aid; and you'll need to have the technical infrastructure in place to receive the data from your state. Find your state higher education agency's contact office for student-level FAFSA completion data below.
State Higher Education Agency's Contact Office for Student-level FAFSA® Completion Data
State | State Higher Education Agency | Primary Destination Point Administrator | Authorizing Official and Title | |
Alaska | Alaska Student Loan Corporation | Heather Carlton | heather.carlton @alaska.gov |
Stephanie Butler,Executive Director |
Alabama | Alabama Commission on Higher Education | Nikesha Ross | fafsa@ache.edu | James Purcell, Executive Director |
Arkansas | Arkansas Department of Higher Education | Josue Ramirez | josue.ramirez@adhe.edu | Maria Markham, Director |
Arizona | AZ Commission for Postsecondary Ed | Daniel Helm | dhelm@azhighered.gov | Chad Sampson, Interim Executive Director |
California | California Student Aid Commission | Nolan Jennings | nolan.jennings @csac.ca.gov |
Marlene L. Garcia, Executive Director |
Colorado | Colorado Department of Higher Education | Maggie Yang | maggie.yang @dhe.state.co.us |
Angie Paccione, Executive Director |
Connecticut | Connecticut Office of Higher Education | Michael Criscuolo | michael.criscuolo @ct.gov |
Timothy Larson, Executive Director |
District of Columbia | DC Office of the State Superintendent of Education | Yvonne Huelcher | yvonne.huelcher @dc.gov |
Dr. Christina Grant, Superintendent |
Delaware | Delaware Higher Education | Chesiree Wise | chesiree.wise @doe.k12.de.us |
Dr. Mark Holodick, Director |
Florida | Florida Office of Student Financial Assistance | Toks Oke | adetokunbo.oke @fldoe.org |
Levis Hughes, Chief, Student Financial Asst. |
Georgia | Georgia Student Finance Commission | John Faulkner | johnf@gsfc.org | Lynne Riley, President |
Hawaii | Hawaii State Postsecondary Education Commission | Amy Acana | acakana@hawaii.edu | Dr. Farrah Marie-Gomes, Assoc VP for Student Affairs |
Iowa | Iowa College Student Aid Commission | Todd Brown | todd.brown@iowa.gov | McKenzie Snow, Director |
Idaho | State of Idaho Board of Education | Joy Larue | joy.larue @osbe.idaho.gov |
Matt Freeman, Executive Director |
Illinois | Illinois Student Assistance Commission | Carol Cook | ccook@isac.org | Eric Zarnikow, Executive Director |
Indiana | Indiana Commission for Higher Education | Michelle Rogers | mrogers@che.in.gov | Teresa Lubbers, Commissioner |
Kansas | Kansas Board of Regents | Linda Oldham Burns | loldhamburns @ksbor.org |
Blake Flanders, President and CEO |
Kentucky | Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority | Tricia Crowe | tcrowe@kheaa.com | Jo Carole Ellis, Executive Director |
Louisiana | Louisiana Office of Student Financial Assistance | David Vitteri | david.vitteri@la.gov | Sujuan W. Boutte, Executive Director |
Maine | Finance Authority of Maine | Jennifer Lanphear | jlanphear @famemaine.com |
Carlos Mello, CEO |
Massachusetts | Massachusetts Department of Higher Education | Daniel Prendergast | dprendergast @5280solutions.com |
Noe Ortega, Commissioner |
Maryland | Maryland Higher Education Commission | Carla Price | carla.price @maryland.gov |
Sanjay Rai, Acting Secretary |
Michigan | Michigan Department of Lifelong Education, Advancement, and Potential | Diann Cosme | cosmed@michigan.gov | Michelle Richard, Deputy Director Higher Education |
Minnesota | MN Office of Higher Education | Meghan Flores | meghan.flores @state.mn.us |
Thomas Sanford, Assistant Commissioner for Operations |
Missouri | MO Department of Higher Education | Erik Anderson | erik.anderson @dhewd.mo.gov |
David R. Russell, Commissioner |
Mississippi | Mississippi Office of Student Financial Aid | Jennifer Rogers | jrogers@mississippi.edu | Hank M. Bounds, Commissioner |
Montana | OCHE-MGSLP-Montana | Jamie Dushin | jdushin@montana.edu | Tyler Trevor, Deputy Commissioner |
North Carolina | North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority | Wayne Johnson | wjohnson@ncseaa.edu | Andrea R. Poole, Executive Director |
North Dakota | North Dakota St Board of Higher ED | Crystal Tangsrud | crystal.tangsrud @ndus.edu |
Mark Hagerott, Chancellor |
Nebraska | Nebraska Opportunity Grant | J. Ritchie Morrow | ritchie.morrow @nebraska.gov |
Mike Baumgartner, Executive Director |
New Jersey | New Jersey Higher Education Student Assistance Authority | Kathleen Abreu | kabreu@hesaa.org | Margo Charly, Executive Director |
New Mexico | New Mexico Higher Education Department | Dina Advani | dina.advani @state.nm.us |
Stephanie Rodriguez, Cabinet Secretary |
Nevada | Nevada System of Higher Education | Renee Davis | rdavis @nshe.nevada.edu |
Patricia Charlton, Chancellor |
New York | NYS Higher Education Svcs Corp. | Ann Murray | ann.murray @hesc.ny.gov |
Doris B. Gonzalez, EVP |
Ohio | Ohio Department of Higher Education | Tamika Braswell | tbraswell @regents.state.oh.us |
Randy Gardner, Chancellor |
Oklahoma | Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education | Irala Magee | imagee@osrhe.edu | Allison D. Garrett, Chancellor |
Oregon | Oregon Office of Student Access & Completion | Kyra King | Kyra King @hecc.oregon.gov |
Juan Baez Arevalo, Director |
Pennsylvania | PA Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA) | Margaret Keithley | margaret.keithley @pheaa.org |
Nathaniel Hench, Senior Vice President Public Affairs |
Rhode Island | Rhode Island Higher Education Assistance Auth | John Knight | john.knight@riopc.edu | Shannon Gilkey, Commissioner of Postsecondary Education |
South Carolina | SC Higher Education Tuition Grants | Zachary Christian | zachary @sctuitiongrants.org |
Katherine Harrison, Executive Director |
South Dakota | South Dakota Board of Regents | Kathleen Christiansen | kathleen.christiansen @sdbor.edu |
Nathan Lukkes, Executive Director |
Tennessee | Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation | Randall Dufresne | randall.dufresne @tn.gov |
Steven Gentile, Executive Director |
Texas | Texas Higher Education Co Board | Charles Conterop-Puls | charles.contero-puls @highered.texas.gov |
Harrison Keller, Commissioner |
Utah | Utah Higher Education Assistance Authority | Laura Zemp | lzemp@ushe.edu | Dave Woulsterhulan, Commissioner |
Virginia | Virginia State Council of Higher Education | Tod Massa | todmassa@schev.edu | Alan Edwards, Interim Director |
Vermont | Vermont Student Assistance Corporation | Miranda Roth | roth@vsac.org | Scott Giles, President |
Washington | Washington Student Achievement Council | David Mitchell | davidm@wsac.wa.gov | Michael Motti, Executive Director |
Wisconsin | Wisconsin Higher Education Aids Board | Barb Moermond | barb.moermond @wi.gov |
Connie Hutchison, Executive Secretary |
West Virginia | WV Higher Education Policy Commission | Brian Weingart | bweingart @hepc.wvnet.edu |
Dr. Sarah Tucker, Chancellor |
Wyoming | Wyoming Department of Education | Bambi Sell | bambi.sell @wyo.gov |
Jillian Balow, Superintendent of Public Instruction |
Updated as of Oct. 25, 2024