FAFSA® Completion Data

Help ensure that all of your students complete FAFSA® forms.

FAFSA Completion Data

Federal Student Aid is providing high schools with current data about their FAFSA® submissions and completions so that high schools can track their progress and help to ensure that their students complete the application.

Learn about and view FAFSA® completion data by high school.

Interested in student-specific data for your school? You'll need to establish an agreement with your state's higher education agency that receives the data from Federal Student Aid; and you'll need to have the technical infrastructure in place to receive the data from your state. Find your state higher education agency's contact office for student-level FAFSA completion data below.

State Higher Education Agency's Contact Office for Student-level FAFSA® Completion Data

State State Higher Education Agency Primary Destination Point Administrator Email Authorizing Official and Title
Alaska Alaska Student Loan Corporation Heather Carlton heather.carlton
Stephanie Butler,Executive Director
Alabama Alabama Commission on Higher Education Nikesha Ross fafsa@ache.edu James Purcell, Executive Director
Arkansas Arkansas Department of Higher Education Josue Ramirez josue.ramirez@adhe.edu Maria Markham, Director
Arizona AZ Commission for Postsecondary Ed Daniel Helm dhelm@azhighered.gov Chad Sampson, Interim Executive Director
California California Student Aid Commission Nolan Jennings nolan.jennings
Marlene L. Garcia, Executive Director
Colorado Colorado Department of Higher Education Maggie Yang maggie.yang
Angie Paccione, Executive Director
Connecticut Connecticut Office of Higher Education Michael Criscuolo michael.criscuolo
Timothy Larson, Executive Director
District of Columbia DC Office of the State Superintendent of Education Yvonne Huelcher yvonne.huelcher
Dr. Christina Grant, Superintendent
Delaware Delaware Higher Education Chesiree Wise chesiree.wise
Dr. Mark Holodick, Director
Florida Florida Office of Student Financial Assistance Toks Oke adetokunbo.oke
Levis Hughes, Chief, Student Financial Asst.
Georgia Georgia Student Finance Commission John Faulkner johnf@gsfc.org Lynne Riley, President
Hawaii Hawaii State Postsecondary Education Commission Amy Acana acakana@hawaii.edu Dr. Farrah Marie-Gomes, Assoc VP for Student Affairs
Iowa Iowa College Student Aid Commission Todd Brown todd.brown@iowa.gov McKenzie Snow, Director
Idaho State of Idaho Board of Education Joy Larue joy.larue
Matt Freeman, Executive Director
Illinois Illinois Student Assistance Commission Carol Cook ccook@isac.org Eric Zarnikow, Executive Director
Indiana Indiana Commission for Higher Education Michelle Rogers mrogers@che.in.gov Teresa Lubbers, Commissioner
Kansas Kansas Board of Regents Linda Oldham Burns loldhamburns
Blake Flanders, President and CEO
Kentucky Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority Tricia Crowe tcrowe@kheaa.com Jo Carole Ellis, Executive Director
Louisiana Louisiana Office of Student Financial Assistance David Vitteri david.vitteri@la.gov Sujuan W. Boutte, Executive Director
Maine Finance Authority of Maine Jennifer Lanphear jlanphear
Carlos Mello, CEO
Massachusetts Massachusetts Department of Higher Education Daniel Prendergast dprendergast
Noe Ortega, Commissioner
Maryland Maryland Higher Education Commission Carla Price carla.price
Sanjay Rai, Acting Secretary
Michigan Michigan Department of Lifelong Education, Advancement, and Potential Diann Cosme cosmed@michigan.gov Michelle Richard, Deputy Director Higher Education
Minnesota MN Office of Higher Education Meghan Flores meghan.flores
Thomas Sanford, Assistant Commissioner for Operations
Missouri MO Department of Higher Education Erik Anderson erik.anderson
David R. Russell, Commissioner
Mississippi Mississippi Office of Student Financial Aid Jennifer Rogers jrogers@mississippi.edu Hank M. Bounds, Commissioner
Montana OCHE-MGSLP-Montana Jamie Dushin jdushin@montana.edu Tyler Trevor, Deputy Commissioner
North Carolina North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority Wayne Johnson wjohnson@ncseaa.edu Andrea R. Poole, Executive Director
North Dakota North Dakota St Board of Higher ED Crystal Tangsrud crystal.tangsrud
Mark Hagerott, Chancellor
Nebraska Nebraska Opportunity Grant J. Ritchie Morrow ritchie.morrow
Mike Baumgartner, Executive Director
New Jersey New Jersey Higher Education Student Assistance Authority Kathleen Abreu kabreu@hesaa.org Margo Charly, Executive Director
New Mexico New Mexico Higher Education Department Dina Advani dina.advani
Stephanie Rodriguez, Cabinet Secretary
Nevada Nevada System of Higher Education Renee Davis rdavis
Patricia Charlton, Chancellor
New York NYS Higher Education Svcs Corp. Ann Murray ann.murray
Doris B. Gonzalez, EVP
Ohio Ohio Department of Higher Education Tamika Braswell tbraswell
Randy Gardner, Chancellor
Oklahoma Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education Irala Magee imagee@osrhe.edu Allison D. Garrett, Chancellor
Oregon Oregon Office of Student Access & Completion Kyra King Kyra King
Juan Baez Arevalo, Director
Pennsylvania PA Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA) Margaret Keithley margaret.keithley
Nathaniel Hench, Senior Vice President Public Affairs
Rhode Island Rhode Island Higher Education Assistance Auth John Knight john.knight@riopc.edu Shannon Gilkey, Commissioner of Postsecondary Education
South Carolina SC Higher Education Tuition Grants Zachary Christian zachary
Katherine Harrison, Executive Director
South Dakota South Dakota Board of Regents Kathleen Christiansen kathleen.christiansen
Nathan Lukkes, Executive Director
Tennessee Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation Randall Dufresne randall.dufresne
Steven Gentile, Executive Director
Texas Texas Higher Education Co Board Charles Conterop-Puls charles.contero-puls
Harrison Keller, Commissioner
Utah Utah Higher Education Assistance Authority Laura Zemp lzemp@ushe.edu Dave Woulsterhulan, Commissioner
Virginia Virginia State Council of Higher Education Tod Massa todmassa@schev.edu Alan Edwards, Interim Director
Vermont Vermont Student Assistance Corporation Miranda Roth roth@vsac.org Scott Giles, President
Washington Washington Student Achievement Council David Mitchell davidm@wsac.wa.gov Michael Motti, Executive Director
Wisconsin Wisconsin Higher Education Aids Board Barb Moermond barb.moermond
Connie Hutchison, Executive Secretary
West Virginia WV Higher Education Policy Commission Brian Weingart bweingart
Dr. Sarah Tucker, Chancellor
Wyoming Wyoming Department of Education Bambi Sell bambi.sell
Jillian Balow, Superintendent of Public Instruction

Updated as of Oct. 25, 2024